Enlighten your Life: Using LED Lighting to Enhance Your Home's Style and Functionality
The days of the Edison light bulb are coming to a close. With environmental preservation and energy efficiency at the forefront of social...
2 min read
Michael Ressa
Mar 6, 2023 9:00:00 AM
Whether you are about to engage in a home renovation project or brand-new ground-up construction, a Mini-Split system (AKA a Heat Pump) is an ideal solution for your project's heating/cooling needs. Developed by Toshiba and Mitsubishi during the 1960s, Mini-Splits have become a valuable alternative to ducted systems which normally have been the standard. Their compact size/footprint along with efficient energy-saving technology are the reasons why they have become such a popular choice among homeowners navigating a construction project!
A Mini-Split is just as its name describes. The system is SPLIT between two main components, an outside condenser/compressor and an inside air handling unit(evaporator). Each of these separate components are much smaller than those that make up traditional ducted systems hence the “MINI” descriptor. Two refrigerant lines connect the outside condenser with the inside air handling unit through a 3” hole in an exterior wall. One outside condenser has the ability to serve up to eight separate indoor air handlers. The refrigerant passing between the outside condenser and inside air handling units transfers heat either into the home or out. This beautifully engineered system is remarkably simple and efficient!
(Pictured above is an outside condenser unit)
The pros of a Mini-Split system far out way the minimal cons. Initially, it is possible that a Mini-Split will be more costly than a central air system to purchase. These early-on costs though will be completely eclipsed by the long-run savings you gain from the efficiency of the system and no longer being tied to the purchase of fossil fuels. Since each room of your house is now its own “zone,” being conditioned by its own air handler, the homeowner now has much greater control of where/when temperature control is needed. The status of the system is no longer confined to being simply on or off. Rooms currently occupied can be conditioned, while unoccupied spaces can save energy by remaining off. Great savings are also found during the installation of the system. Since no ducts are used, existing walls and drop ceilings are minimally disturbed. Additionally, a tax rebate can be applied to the cost of installation!
One of our client’s greatest concerns when considering a Mini-Split usually has to do with the aesthetics of the inside air handlers as they do not sit within the walls. Since Mini-Splits have become so popular, interior designers are regularly faced with the task of artfully concealing/placing the unit. With different types of air handlers available (ceiling mounted, floor mounted, etc.) sophisticated interior design can be upheld by the creative and carefully thought-out placement of the units.
Mini-Splits, while not always initially considered for a newly conditioned space, are becoming a preferred option due to the numerous advantages they hold over traditional ducted central air systems.
The days of the Edison light bulb are coming to a close. With environmental preservation and energy efficiency at the forefront of social...
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